Hello everyone, long time no see, this is xiexieyi here again to discuss a so-called "troll deck" that topped YCS Philadelphia, known as "Final Countdown". This review will not be as comprehensive as prior discussions as the deck's only goal is to stall the game for twenty full turns and activate the card, Final Countdown, thus resulting in an automatic win. The deck itself is fairly cheap to build, though some may opt to use Cardcar D, obviously raising the cost. It is here I present to you the deck lists:
w/ Cardcar D (Top 16 YCS Philadelphia Decklist) [Credit to Tyler Tabman]
w/o Cardcar D
The deck itself is quite self explanatory and it is in a sense a game of solitaire. There are however a few tech choices that I would like to address:
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness: This card stops decks with otk potential and high damage dealers, allowing you to stall out a few more turns and "fight back". It also allows you to run over cards such as Laggia and Dolka.
Hope for Escape: This card is purely amazing. Because cards such as "Upstart Goblin" raise your opponent's life points, this card becomes live and then allows you to draw a card(s). It also allows use of "Frozen Soul", which states, "You can only activate this card when your Life Points are at least 2000 lower than your opponent's. Skip your opponent's next Battle Phase.", as after "Hope for Escape" activates you are placed at least 2000 Life Points lower than your opponent.